TRD 2000GT
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TRD2000GT #?? (Black)

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TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  Empty TRD2000GT #?? (Black)

Post  Admin Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:57 pm

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0929

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  P5

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  P1

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  P2

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  P11


Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-02-17

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TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  Empty Re: TRD2000GT #?? (Black)

Post  jack Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:50 am

Came across some more pictures of this car.

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  MR2TRD2000GT_1
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  MR2TRD2000GT_3
The MR2 has a wider impact there. (I think it may be the design)
of the vehicle at the time of the MR2 ~ ¥ 1,100,000 in bringing to TRD was made ​​by me.
I think no one is quite put out this amount.
Is the vehicle mounting kit TRD2000GT less circulating in the used car market.
Incidentally TRD2000GT kit currently discontinued TRD also asked so
I think it is impossible.

TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0883
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0893
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0951
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0990
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0985
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0994
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0997
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0700
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0714
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0762
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0853
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0855
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  PICT0857
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  Tmcj_zenkoku4_zps7be6dc91
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  080601_tmcj_shirakabaoff10_zps6becd3fe
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  061007tmcj_zenkokuoff34_zps95d2ba33
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  05tmcjzenkoku12_zps38c90aec
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  080601_tmcj_shirakabaoff22_zps7eb9c497
TRD2000GT #?? (Black)  20061007_002_zps2e7be5e3


Posts : 105
Join date : 2010-10-19

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