TRD 2000GT
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Front Wing Removal

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Front Wing Removal Empty Front Wing Removal

Post  Admin Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:12 am

All in a bit of a random order and Ill have to find some better pics but...

There's the 3 obvious bolts along the top of the wing once you open the bonnet (remove these last)

Front Wing Removal DSCN0279

If you remove the headlamp surround there is another 3 highlighted by the green arrows

Front Wing Removal IMAG0006

Youll also have to remove the front trim strip so remove the front sidelight cluster
and unscrew the screw holding it in.

Front Wing Removal FrontIndicatorLHSide003

Undo the screw that is now exposed then th eunit can be pulled out.

Front Wing Removal FrontIndicatorLHSide002

and round the back theres 2 nuts holding the strip on (youll need to remove the wheel arch liner to do this.

Front Wing Removal Toblerone_outside

Front Wing Removal Toblerone_inside

Theres also a bananna shaped bracket holding the front of the wing to the bumper that needs to be undone using a socket (not got a pic)

At the bottom of the wing is also a bolt securing bottom of wing plus if you open the door wide and look inside the A post theres a nbolt there too.

Theres a few wires and stuff so be careful and dont forget to pop your side repeater out or at least twist and remove bulb


Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-02-17

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