TRD 2000GT
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Front Wing - Fitting

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Front Wing - Fitting Empty Front Wing - Fitting

Post  Admin Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:28 pm

I aligned the TRD wing against the other side original wing

Front Wing - Fitting DSCN0272

Once aligned I could mark the position where the bolt holes should go

Front Wing - Fitting DSCN0273

I used the existing wing again along with a piece of cardboard to mark how far away from the lip the hole should be

Front Wing - Fitting DSCN0274

then transferred this mark onto the TRD wing to get the exact position of the hole

Front Wing - Fitting DSCN0275

I then drilled the holes in the wing and using stainless steel bolts bolted the wing on

Front Wing - Fitting DSCN0277

Front Wing - Fitting DSCN0279

Theres another hole that needs drilling at the front - I just used a pencil to mark the hole one the support bar was pressed against it. I'm afrid I only took 2 pics of this and not very good ones at that :-(

Front Wing - Fitting VISTRDRearWing015

Front Wing - Fitting VISTRDRearWing016


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Join date : 2009-02-17

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