TRD 2000GT
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Rear Boot/Trunk Gap

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Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Empty Rear Boot/Trunk Gap

Post  Admin Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:56 am

One of the most frustrating things about fitting the wider rear wings is getting a factory look gap between the top of the wing and the boot/trunk lid. Originally I was using cardboard covered with tape but after a reading a bodywork book I came across sheet wax. As its name suggests this is a sheet of wax with self adhesive tape on one side that can be cut into strips, stuck to a straight

Available in different sizes and widths - IIRC I bought mine off ebay

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax001

After the wax has been cut into a thin strip stick it to the edge of the boot/trunk lid which should leave a thin gap ready for filler

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax002

Fill the gap left with filler

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax003

I had to do it in 2 goes to cater for the rounding of the lid

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax004

Once the filler has set you should be able to open the lid and peel away the wax leaving a very consistent gap which easily matches the factory gap

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax005

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax006

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap Sheetwax007

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap RearTrunk046

Rear Boot/Trunk Gap RearWing001


Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-02-17

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