TRD 2000GT
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Sports Air Filter

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Sports Air Filter Empty Sports Air Filter

Post  Admin Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:27 pm

A sports air filter born from racing engine development technology
An air filter that delivers the most basic, critical functions of ingesting air, removing dust, and supplying fresh air to the engine. By modifying the technology used in racing engines, running under the harshest conditions and putting the results to work in a commercial product, the TRD Sports Air Filter has achieved the smooth air intake and cleaning effects demanded by high-rev engines.

Direct replacement for the stock air filter element.

Part# 17801-AE910 (both Turbo and N/A except beams)
Part# 17801-JX010 (beams)

Sports Air Filter TRDAirFilter001


Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-02-17

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